Wiltshire Money Forum | Q4 2021-22
Forum Details:
Date | TUESDAY 1st FEBRUARY 2022 |
Time | 1100 - 1230 |
Location | online via Google Meet |
Forum Agenda:
Topic | Speaker |
Energy Market 2022: energy costs and challenges faced by low-income families. |
Faye-Brookes Lewis, Policy Research Assistant, Citizens Advice Energy Policy Research Team |
Annual Rent Increases: housing provider messaging, communicating with stakeholders and support options. |
Sarah Rogers, Regional Customer Accounts Manager, Curo Group and Kathryn Unsworth, Customer Accounts Manager, Aster Group |
Council Tax in Wiltshire 2022/23: update on changes and support provision. |
Ian Brown, Head of Revenues and Benefits, Wiltshire Council |
Area Boards, Communities and Low-Income Families: Wiltshire Council Community Engagement Team update. |
Rhys Schell, Specialist Manager - Community Engagement and Governance, Wiltshire Council |
Forum Resources:
- Forum presentations
- Further details, shared resources and follow-up information (these resources were researched and collated by Wiltshire Citizens Advice)