Wiltshire Money Focus Forums

Focus Forums Overview:

The Wiltshire Money Focus Forums have been developed to complement the quarterly Wiltshire Money Forums. The Wiltshire Money Forums have broad themes with a variety of speakers and are, therefore, relatively general. In contrast, the Focus Forums provide an opportunity for an in-depth look at a specific issue. They are primarily, but not exclusively, aimed at supporting advisers, practitioners, caseworkers and others engaging with people affected by the issue under discussion. 

Structure of the Sessions:

It is important to note that the Focus Forums are intended to facilitate knowledge sharing, and are not formal training courses, although is hoped that the attendees will develop their knowledge and skills through attending. At the start of the session, the Focus Forum facilitator will present a brief overview of the topic. Following this, the majority of the Forum will involve discussion among attendees. Although participation is voluntary, it would be appreciated if attendees could come prepared to contribute. 

Aims of the Focus Forums:

  • Creating a community of practice across Wiltshire for people working in specific fields, including, but not limited to, caseworkers and advisers. 
  • Providing a space for practitioners to discuss anonymised cases.
  • Facilitating the sharing of any potential shortcuts/new solutions, rather than purely clarifying existing processes.
  • Sharing examples of complex issues and how they were resolved to inform the development of future working methods and ensure best practice. 
  • Sharing locally available, region-specific, resources and information. 
  • Providing an opportunity to focus, and provide feedback, on local policy and practice.

Upcoming Focus Forums:

 Date Theme
Qtr. 1 2025-26
03/06/2025 Support with Water Bills
Qtr. 4 2024-25
25/02/2025 Financial Wellbeing in the Workplace
11/03/2025 Product Safety Community Awareness
25/03/2025 Crisis Provision for Furniture and White Goods

Previous Focus Forums and Resources:


Qtr. 4 2023-24
21/01/25 Household Support Fund: Past, Present and Future
Qtr. 3 2023-24
05/11/2024 Money and Pensions Service - Talk Money Week - Financial Education and Problem Finances
15/10/2024 Supporting Neurodiverse Clients with Financial Inclusion Issues
08/10/2024 Furniture Poverty: Continuing the Conversation
01/10/2024 Supporting Carers in Wiltshire (Carers Together)
Qtr. 2 2023-24 
24/09/2024 Tenancy Sustainment in Social Housing
20/08/2024 Supporting rural clients with their energy and heating costs
02/07/2024 Rough Sleeping
Qtr. 1 2023-24
04/06/2024 Wiltshire Council: Delivering Universal Support in Wiltshire
14/05/2024 Supporting Food Bank Users
23/04/2024 Community Organisations and Supporting People with Affordable Energy


Qtr. 4 2023-24
12/03/2024 Furniture Poverty (furniture, flooring, curtains, carpets and white goods)
16/01/2024 Supporting under-25s and clients with mental health conditions
Qtr. 3 2023-24
07/11/2023 Supporting clients, service users, staff and volunteers with numeracy (Multiply)
Qtr. 2 2023-24
01/08/2023 Household Support Fund
18/07/2023 Worrying About Money Leaflets
11/07/2023 Citizens Advice Wiltshire - spotlight on our housing data
Qtr. 1 2023-24
16/05/2023 Supporting Food Bank Users
02/05/2023 Budget and Benefits Changes Update


Qtr. 4 2022-23
14/03/2023 More people will turn to illegal lenders due to the cost of living crisis – how can your organisation help?
28/02/2023 Department for Work and Pensions: working together to support clients with health issues
31/01/2023 Wiltshire Council: Local Authority Support, welfare benefits and tax changes
17/01/2023 Department for Work and Pensions - supporting people aged 50+ into work
Qtr. 3 2022-23
13/12/2022  The Money Guiders Programme from the Money Advice and Pensions Service
08/11/2022  The Money Adviser Network from the Money Advice and Pensions Service 
25/10/2022 Household Support Fund
04/10/2022 Universal Credit
Qtr. 2 2022-23
06/09/2022 Council Tax