Focus Forum: Financial Wellbeing in the Workplace

Focus Forum Details:

 Date  Tuesday, 25th of February 2025
 Time  1100 - 1200
 Maximum number of participants  30
 Who is this for?

This session has been developed to bring together employers, whether public, private, or third-sector, to discuss approaches to ensuring that staff feel secure and in control of their finances.

 Focus Forum Agenda:





Welcome and Introductions

Benedict van der LindeWiltshire Money Partnerships Manager, Wiltshire Money


Facilitated Discussion (suggested topics):

  • What do organisations understand by financial wellbeing?
  • Why does financial wellbeing matter in the workplace?
  • How can employers better support their staff?
  • What support would help employers to promote financial wellbeing?
  • What guidance and support can the local authority provide?  

Guy Sharp
Public Health Specialist – Wider Determinants of Health, Public Health, Wiltshire Council.


Focus Forum close

Benedict van der Linde, Wiltshire Money Partnerships Manager, Wiltshire Money

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