Focus Forum: Crisis Provision for Furniture and White Goods

Focus Forum Details:

 Date  Tuesday, 25th of March 2025
 Time  1100 - 1200
 Maximum number of participants  30
 Who is this for?

This Focus Forum is aimed at organisational staff and volunteers working to support new tenants who are in crisis situations, or who are moving into unfurnished properties with an urgent need for furniture, white goods and flooring. It will also raise awareness of the support available for people who are not in crisis situations, who might not be aware of the discounted prices available at KFR for those claiming a means-tested benefit.

 Focus Forum Agenda:





Welcome and Introductions

Benedict van der LindeWiltshire Money Partnerships Manager, Wiltshire Money


Facilitated Discussion (suggested topics):

  • How does KRF support communities in Wiltshire?
  • What has KFR learned about client needs through delivering services in Wiltshire?
  • What client groups have benefited from this support?
  • How can organisations make crisis provision referrals to KFR?
  • What will crisis provision look like when the HSF ends?
  • What client needs should organisations bear in mind when developing support schemes?

Dan Thompson
Operations Manager, KFR


Focus Forum close

Benedict van der Linde, Wiltshire Money Partnerships Manager, Wiltshire Money

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