Focus Forum: Supporting Carers in Wiltshire (Carers Together)

Focus Forum Details:

 Date  Tuesday, 1st of October 2024
 Time  1100 - 1200
 Maximum number of participants  30
 Who is this for?

This Focus Forum is aimed at front-line staff and volunteers working with clients that have caring responsibilities and clients who are the recipients of care.

 Focus Forum Agenda:





Welcome and Introductions

Benedict van der LindeWiltshire Money Partnerships Manager, Wiltshire Money


Facilitated Discussion (suggested topics):

  • How does Carers Together in Wiltshire work and what support do we provide?
  • What is involved in a ‘Carer’s Assessment’?
  • What are carer’s most common needs and how can they be supported?
  • How does your organisation identify carers and what support provision do you have in place?
  • What resources would help your organisation to work more effectively with carers?

Kirsten Kerr, Operations Manager, Age UK Wiltshire and Age UK Southampton


Focus Forum close

Benedict van der Linde, Wiltshire Money Partnerships Manager, Wiltshire Money

Focus Forum Resources and Links: