Focus Forum: Money and Pensions Service - Talk Money Week - Financial Education and Problem Finances

Focus Forum Details:

 Date  Tuesday, 5th November 2024
 Time  1100 - 1200
 Maximum number of participants  30
 Who is this for?

Held as part of ‘Talk Money Week’ (04/11 – 08/11), this Focus Forum will be a focus group discussion for staff from organisations that work with clients who would benefit from more financial education and awareness of safe credit options.

 Focus Forum Agenda:





Welcome and Introductions

Benedict van der Linde,  Wiltshire Money Partnerships Manager, Wiltshire Money


Facilitated Discussion (suggested topics):

  • Financial education:
    • Supporting children and young adults
    • Financial resilience
  • Problem finances and debt:
    • The safe use of credit (including ‘buy now, pay later’)
    • Money and mental health

Paul Fox, Regional Partnership Manager, South West, Money and Pensions Service


Focus Forum close

Benedict van der Linde, Wiltshire Money Partnerships Manager, Wiltshire Money

Focus Forum Resources: 

“If you’re buying online, paying in a shop, or even ordering a takeaway, Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) can seem like a quick and easy way to pay. But BNPL is a form of credit so you need to think carefully before using it, especially if you’re spending more than you can afford to pay back. In the run-up to Christmas as household spending invariably ramps up for many households, take a few minutes to familiarise yourselves with some of the aspects of BNPL you might not be familiar with, it will stand you in good stead.”