Focus Forum: Tenancy Sustainment in Social Housing

Focus Forum Details:

 Date  Tuesday, 24th September 2024
 Time  1100 - 1200
 Maximum number of participants  30
 Who is this for?

This Focus Forum is intended for staff and volunteers supporting people living in Housing Association properties, such as those who work in partnership with social landlords/housing providers.

 Focus Forum Agenda:





Welcome and Introductions

Benedict van der Linde,  Wiltshire Money Partnerships Manager, Wiltshire Money


Facilitated Discussion (suggested topics):

  • How do Customer Accounts work with tenancy sustainment in mind?
  • What is ‘collection with care’?
  • What brings a Social Landlord to give notice to end a tenancy?
  • What should tenants do if they receive notice?
  • How does the lettings process work from a Social Landlord’s perspective?
  • How does a Social Landlord work with the Local Authority and use the housing list?
  • How can Social Landlords work more effectively with external organisations to provide housing-related support?

Jamal Brooke, Customer Accounts Manager, Curo Group


Focus Forum close

Benedict van der Linde, Wiltshire Money Partnerships Manager, Wiltshire Money

Focus Forum Resources: